Source: WindowManager.js

"use strict";

import {EventManager} from "./EventManager.js";
import {WindowSession} from "./WindowSession.js";
import {WindowMessage} from "./WindowMessage.js";

 * Message utils takes care of messaging between multiple windows. Messages can be transfered direcly or forwarded between windows.
 * Is responsible for keeping track of all sessions, handles message reception, message forwarding and message sending.
 * When a window is open it cannot be acessed we need to wait for the ready message.
 * @class
 * @param {String} type Type of this window.
 * @param {Boolean} initialize Indicates if the manager should be automatically initialized, by default its true. If you want to manually initialize the manager later to avoid loosing message set to false.
function WindowManager(type, initialize)
	var self = this;

	 * Type of this window manager object.
	 * @type {String}
	this.type = type;

	 * UUID of this window manager.
	 * Used to identify this window on communication with another windows.
	 * @type {String}
	this.uuid = WindowManager.generateUUID();

	 * Map of known sessions.
	 * Indexed by the UUID of the session.
	 * @type {Object}
	this.sessions = {};

	 * List of sessions in waiting state.
	 * These still havent reached the READY state.
	 * @type {Array}
	this.waitingSessions = [];

	 * On broadcast message callback, receives data and authentication as parameters.
	 * Called when a broadcast message arrives, onBroadcastMessage(data, authentication).
	 * type {Function}
	this.onBroadcastMessage = null;

	 * Global manager on message callback, receives type, data and authentication as parameters.
	 * This onMessage callback is always called before the individual session callback.
	 * It might be used for globally handling authentication tasks.
	 * type {Function}
	this.onMessage = null;

	 * Event manager containing the message handling events for this manager.
	 * @type {EventManager}
	this.manager = new EventManager();
	this.manager.add(window, "message", function(event)
		//console.log("TabTalk: Window message event fired.", event);

		var message =;

		if(message.action === WindowMessage.READY)

		//Messages that need to be redirected
		if(message.destinationUUID !== undefined && message.destinationUUID !== self.uuid)
			console.warn("TabTalk: Destination UUID diferent from self, destination is " + message.destinationUUID, message);

			var session = self.sessions[message.destinationUUID];

			if(session !== undefined)
				console.log("TabTalk: Redirected message to destination.", session, message);
				console.warn("TabTalk: Unknown destination, cannot redirect message.");

		//Messages to be processed
			//Session closed
			if(message.action === WindowMessage.CLOSED)
				var session = self.sessions[message.originUUID];

				if(session !== undefined)
					delete self.sessions[message.originUUID];
					console.warn("TabTalk: Unknown closed origin session.")
			else if(message.action === WindowMessage.LOOKUP)
				console.log("TabTalk: WindowManager lookup request received from " + message.originType + ".", message);

				var found = false;
				var response;

				for(var i in self.sessions)
					var session = self.sessions[i];

					if(session.type === message.destinationType)
						var response = new WindowMessage(0, WindowMessage.LOOKUP_FOUND, self.type, self.uuid, undefined, undefined,
						found = true;

				if(found === false)
					response = new WindowMessage(0, WindowMessage.LOOKUP_NOT_FOUND, self.type, self.uuid);

				var session = self.sessions[message.originUUID];
				if(session !== undefined)
					console.log("TabTalk: Response to lookup request sent.", response);
					console.warn("TabTalk: Unknown lookup origin session.");
			//Connect message
			else if(message.action === WindowMessage.CONNECT)
				var gatewayUUID = message.hops.pop();
				var gateway = self.sessions[gatewayUUID];

				if(gateway !== undefined)
					var session = new WindowSession(self);
					session.uuid = message.originUUID;
					session.type = message.originType;
					session.gateway = gateway;
					console.warn("TabTalk: Connect message received, creating a new session.", message, session);
					console.error("TabTalk: Connect message received, but the gateway is unknown.", message);
			else if(message.action === WindowMessage.BROADCAST)
				console.log("TabTalk: WindowManager broadcast message received " + message.originType + ".", message);

				if(self.onBroadcastMessage !== null)
					self.onBroadcastMessage(, message.authentication);

				//Add manager uuid to the hop list

				for(var i in self.sessions)
					var session = self.sessions[i];

					//Forward message only to sessions that are not in the hop list
					if(session.uuid !== message.originUUID && message.hops.indexOf(session.uuid) === -1)

						if(session.onBroadcastMessage !== null)
							session.onBroadcastMessage(, message.authentication);
			else if(message.action === WindowMessage.MESSAGE)
				console.log("TabTalk: WindowManager message received " + message.originType + ".", message);

				if(self.onMessage !== null)
					self.onMessage(message.originType,, message.authentication);

				var session = self.sessions[message.originUUID];
				if(session !== undefined)
					if(session.onMessage !== null)
						session.onMessage(, message.authentication);
					console.warn("TabTalk: Unknown origin session.", message);
				console.warn("TabTalk: Unknown message type.", message);

	this.manager.add(window, "beforeunload", function(event)
		for(var i in self.sessions)

	if(initialize !== false)

 * Initialized the manager message handler, checks for the opener window and sends acknowledge message to waiting sessions.
 * By default it is automatically called on the constructor. But sometimes it might be usefull to initialize the window later on to avoid loosing messages.
 * Be carefull to specify all the global callbacks before calling this method.
 * @return {WindowSession} If this window was opened by another one it returns the respective session. Returns null otherwise.
WindowManager.prototype.initialize = function()
	return this.checkOpener();

 * Log to the console a list of all known sessions.
 * Useful for debug purposes.
WindowManager.prototype.logSessions = function()
	console.log("TabTalk: List of known sessions:");

	for(var i in this.sessions)
		var session = this.sessions[i];

		console.log("     " + session.uuid + " | " + session.type + " -> " + (session.gateway === null ? "*" : session.gateway.uuid));

 * Broadcast a message to all available sessions.
 * The message will be passed further on by the other windows that receive it.
 * @param {WindowMessage} data Data to be broadcasted.
 * @param {String} authentication Authentication information.
WindowManager.prototype.broadcast = function(data, authentication)
	var message = new WindowMessage(0, WindowMessage.BROADCAST, this.manager.type, this.manager.uuid, undefined, undefined, data, authentication);

	for(var i in this.sessions)

 * Send an acknowledge message.
 * Used to send a signal indicating the parent window that it is ready to receive data.
 * @return {WindowSession} Session fo the opener window, null if the window was not opened.
WindowManager.prototype.checkOpener = function()
		var session = new WindowSession(this);
		session.window = window.opener;
		return session;

	return null;

 * Create a new session with a new window from URL and type.
 * Before opening a new window it searches for a window of the same type in the known sessions.
 * If a session of the same type already exists it is returned.
 * @param {String} url URL of the window.
 * @param {String} type Type of the window to open (Optional).
 * @return {WindowSession} Session created to open a new window.
WindowManager.prototype.openSession = function(url, type)
	//Search in the current sessions
	for(var i in this.sessions)
		var session = this.sessions[i];
		if(session.type === type)
			console.warn("TabTalk: A session of the type " + type + " already exists.");
			return session;

	var session = new WindowSession(this);
	session.type = type;

	//Lookup the session
	if(type !== undefined)
		this.lookup(type, function(gateway, uuid, type)
			//Not found
			if(gateway === null)
				if(url !== null)
					session.url = url;
					session.window =;
				session.gateway = gateway;
				session.uuid = uuid;
				session.type = type;

	return session;

 * Get a session from the manager from its type.
 * @param {String} type Type of the window to get.
 * @return {WindowSession} Session of the type specified, null if none was found.
WindowManager.prototype.getSession = function(type)
	for(var i in this.sessions)
		var session = this.sessions[i];
		if(session.type === type)
			return session;

	return null;

 * Check if a session of a type exists and its available for message exchanging.
 * @param {String} type Type of the window to check.
 * @return {Boolean} True if a session of the type requested exists, false otherwise.
WindowManager.prototype.sessionAvailable = function(type)
	for(var i in this.sessions)
		if(this.sessions[i].type === type || message.action !== WindowMessage.CLOSED)
			return true;

	return false;

 * Check if a session of a type exists.
 * @param {String} type Type of the window to check.
 * @return {Boolean} True if a session of the type requested exists, false otherwise.
WindowManager.prototype.sessionExists = function(type)
	for(var i in this.sessions)
		if(this.sessions[i].type === type)
			return true;

	return false;

 * Lookup for a window type.
 * @param {String} type Type of the window to look for.
 * @param {String} onFinish Receives the gateway session, found uuid and type as parameters onFinish(session, uuid, type), if null no window of the type was found.
WindowManager.prototype.lookup = function(type, onFinish)
	var message = new WindowMessage(0, WindowMessage.LOOKUP, this.type, this.uuid, type, undefined);
	var sent = 0, received = 0, found = false;

	for(var i in this.sessions)
		console.log("TabTalk: Send lookup message to " + i + ".", message);

	if(sent > 0)
		var self = this;
		var manager = new EventManager();
		manager.add(window, "message", function(event)
			var data =;
			if(data.action === WindowMessage.LOOKUP_FOUND)

				if(found === false)
					var session = self.sessions[data.originUUID];
					if(session !== undefined)
						found = true;
				console.log("TabTalk: Received lookup FOUND message from " + data.originUUID + ".",;
			else if(data.action === WindowMessage.LOOKUP_NOT_FOUND)
				console.log("TabTalk: Received lookup NOT FOUND message from " + data.originUUID + ".");

			if(sent === received)

				if(found === false)
		console.log("TabTalk: No session available to run lookup.");

 * Check if this window was opened by another one.
 * @return {Boolean} True if the window was opened by another window, false otherwise.
WindowManager.prototype.wasOpened = function()
	return window.opener !== null;

 * Dispose the window manager.
 * Should be called when its not used anymore. Destroy all the window events created by the manager.
WindowManager.prototype.dispose = function()
	for(var i in this.sessions)


 * Generate a UUID used to indetify the window manager.
 * .toUpperCase() here flattens concatenated strings to save heap memory space.
 * @return {String} UUID generated.
WindowManager.generateUUID = function()
	var lut = [];
	for(var i = 0; i < 256; i ++)
		lut[i] = (i < 16 ? "0" : "") + (i).toString(16);

	return function generateUUID()
		var d0 = Math.random() * 0xffffffff | 0;
		var d1 = Math.random() * 0xffffffff | 0;
		var d2 = Math.random() * 0xffffffff | 0;
		var d3 = Math.random() * 0xffffffff | 0;
		var uuid = lut[ d0 & 0xff ] + lut[ d0 >> 8 & 0xff ] + lut[ d0 >> 16 & 0xff ] + lut[ d0 >> 24 & 0xff ] + "-" +
			lut[ d1 & 0xff ] + lut[ d1 >> 8 & 0xff ] + "-" + lut[ d1 >> 16 & 0x0f | 0x40 ] + lut[ d1 >> 24 & 0xff ] + "-" +
			lut[ d2 & 0x3f | 0x80 ] + lut[ d2 >> 8 & 0xff ] + "-" + lut[ d2 >> 16 & 0xff ] + lut[ d2 >> 24 & 0xff ] +
			lut[ d3 & 0xff ] + lut[ d3 >> 8 & 0xff ] + lut[ d3 >> 16 & 0xff ] + lut[ d3 >> 24 & 0xff ];

		return uuid.toUpperCase();

export {WindowManager};